Rafflecopter, Yes or No

As many of you may have seen there was a lot of issues with rafflecopter the past few days. I have been thinking for awhile now about switching back to the old way of entering giveaways. Rafflecopter has done a lot of changing things around, it’s far from stable, I enter a lot of giveaways as well and it seems daily there are some sort of issues.

However, I know many of you like the rafflecopter way of entering. It’s easy and it’s faster. I personally like rafflecopter, not sure why I win less, but I would rather enter on the rafflecopter platform. With that being said I would like to know what you all think…

Should I revert back to the old way where we do comments? Or stick with the “free” part of rafflecopter. I haven’t had time to look into all the changes yet, so based on what I am limited to doing I guess will make my final decision, but what are y’alls thoughts on Rafflecopter?

Yes keep using it, or no ditch it?

Any input would be appreciated.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.


  1. Jill A. Collins says

    PUHLEEEEZE – do not do comments! I love entering giveaways when something catches my eye, but I’ve stopped entering giveaways on many blogs, because I simply do not always have the time to post comment after comment. I’ll often pass over those giveaways and opt to enter others first that are not comment driven and only go back to the other ones if I remember and if I have enough spare time to do them. Also, as much as I love giving feedback and leaving comments for you, I’m often frustrated by not only have to check a box that I am not a spammer AND answering a security question. I often hit post comment and realize I forgot to do BOTH things and have to start over. I rarely experience problems with Raffelcopter, though it can make the site run slower on some blogs that have tons of stuff already going on, on their page, like videos that automatically run when you visit, which I am so thankful you don’t have. .

  2. I prefer Rafflecopter over older methods but there are entry methods I’ve seen on other blogs that are similar to RC but better than RC (sorry, can’t remember the names – other bloggers will know). I love visiting blogs for recipes, posts and giveaways if it’s something I really would like. I do avoid those that have an army of bloggers hosting a giveaway and seeing more than 100K entries – I just keep on moving on to other blogs.

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