Learning to Crochet

I needed a hobby, something I could do that was productive besides being online. So I seen this cute little hat I knew my daughter would love, and I wanted to make it for her. Only problem it is a crochet hat, and well I have no clue what I am doing. So off to Walmart I went, I purchased some yarn, some yarn needles, and some crochet hooks. I come home took to YouTube and by the end of the day I was doing chain stitch and a single stitch. I have so many other stitches to learn, but I want to master one before moving on to the other.

I decided I would make my daughter a scarf. I took this thing out so many times, I do still have it to tight in a few spots but over all I think it turned out rather nice.

hello kitty crochet scarfMy Hello Kitty is a bit messed up, but not to bad for a first attempt and not following a pattern.

I had a lot of fun making this and now I will be finding other fun things to make. The big project is the hello kitty hat but I want to make sure I am good at all the stitches needed before I take that plunge.

I also need to see if I can find some good yarn on sale. I would like to do a stock pile some of all colors, and slowly make a blanket for my bed.

Do you crochet? What is some things you like about knitting/crocheting? I like that is relaxes me and I can say I have accomplished something.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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