It has been many years since I have been to Save-a-Lot. I remember at one time I could go in there and stock my pantry, with less than $200. I decided since winter is approaching, I would go stock up on some items for chili, and a few different casseroles. To my surprise when I walked in, my jaw dropped. I was shocked, has I sat there looking at the prices, I looked to my daughter and told her we had made a mistake.
I noticed almost all products on the shelves were more than Walmart’s prices, and I knew I could get better deals at Kroger. Needless to say I wasn’t in Save-a-Lot that long before I found my way to the front, paid for the few items I had and went on down the road to Walmart.
It’s funny because I was telling my sister how she needed to go to Save-a-Lot because of all the great prices. She told me she could get better deals at Meijers. After walking into the store, I agreed with her. Never again will I go to Save-a-Lot almost everything cost more than Walmart, and the store is NEVER clean. I will continue to do my shopping at a store I know I can trust.
What do you think of Save-a-Lot? Do you get good deals, or have you found other stores give you better deals?
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