out with the old in with the new

I am a bit behind when it comes to cellphones. Last year we did have texting, but certain things happened and I had to cancel it. We have never had an actual data plan for longer than a day. With our current cellphone carrier we were allowed to use a smartphone like phone at first, then they decided to make some changes. After these changes they decided to add a data plan to our phones, I called and did some fussing the reason for using the phones was because of the keyboards. We used them for texting only, I mean we have internet at home we didn’t need a data plan especially since most cell services didn’t pick up where we lived. If you have a data issue where you are check out the Viasat internet plans. Maybe you can get affordable internet and not have to worry about weak data connections like we did in the past.

However, after them looking into it, since we had the phones/service before the change we were allowed to keep our current phones. Let me show you the difference between the old cell and the new cell.

cell phones

The old phone has a camera, but I have no idea how to use is, we only used them for texting and really nothing else. When I was at the webinar for the HTC Droid Incredible something was brought up, and I giggled a little. It was stated that one normally spends more time with their cell phones then with anything else. At the time I was not included in the group of people that spent the most time with their cellphones.

To be honest, when I did go places I often left the phone at home on purpose, I mean look at it, we purchased it used, and it is pretty scuffed up. I have no data/texting on it so I seen no point in taking it.

With the new phone, I don’t go no where without it, not even to the bathroom.With its built in GPS I will never get lost again! It has all my lists on it, I can check my email on the go, someone has an urgent message for me a simple text and I have it.

I have found so many great apps that have literally made my life easier, such as the Out of Milk app, or the GrooVe IP app.

Although, I do have an unlimited data plan with the new phone, my data usage is pretty sad. I have only used 0.083GB in the almost three weeks of having the phone. I use mostly wifi when I am home, because we don’t really get great signal. I get better signal with Verizon then I do my current carrier which is a good thing. I would like to see about getting a signal booster to see if that makes a difference.

Having the HTC Droid Incredible has truly changed how I do almost everything! No more paper lists, no more writing down my recipes, no more missing appointments, no more forgetting to take my meds, no more missing important emails while I am away from home, no more being bored while waiting at the doctors office, and most important no more getting lost!

I cannot believe I have been living in the stone-age for so long!

Do you have a smartphone? If so how has it changed your everyday life?

Disclosure: I am participating in the Verizon Wireless Ambassadors program and have been provided with a wireless device and three months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the product.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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