Dear Companies

It seems several of you think I work for free, while I would love to promote all those neat products you send via my email. We have a small problem… The problem being many of you are thinking if you supply me with high res images, and more information, this entitles you to a free write up. Let me ask you a question, how many of you are getting paid with high res images for your time? How many of you have families? Are those high res images worth the time you take to promote a business and the time you miss away from your family?

For example if a big company was to send you an email… Tell you they want to use your service, have you promote them as a company, and your payment will be a high res images and more information. This information you contact bloggers like me to “promote” for you. It takes you several hours sending out this pitch, what did you get for your work… A free high res image. Well, we all know PR firms DON’T work for high res images. Why? Because it isn’t practical, and well it doesn’t support their families, and is a waste of their time. I personally feel the same way… Promoting for free is not getting me nothing for my time, but it is getting your client the exposure they want… and you are getting paid for your work…

So please before you hit the send button, stop and ask yourself, “Would I do this for free” Most of us bloggers pay for our own domains and webhosting… asking for “Free” advertising is slapping us in the face.

Yes, I know many of you feel we as bloggers should drop what we are doing and jump on demand. Truth is, if you wouldn’t work for free you really shouldn’t expect us bloggers to work for free.

While I am sure that product you want me to promote is awesome, an image and more information will not cut it on my end.

Another thing if you want me to promote your company by driving traffic to your site with a giveaway, let’s not be so tacky and expect me to yet again work for free, and don’t try to guilt trip me with my readers… Assuring me they would love the giveaway. While I am certain they would love the giveaway you don’t insult me by stating “at this time we can only offer this product to a giveaway winner”… Again you expect me to “promote” you free? Well at this time you can find another blogger that has no issue promoting you for free…

Don’t get me wrong some things I have no problem with sharing with my readers, when the company doesn’t EXPECT it to be done for free…  I have built many great relationships with many PR firms, and if came to me in a different manner I would have NO problem helping.

So please stop emailing me with high res images, assuring me my readers would love the information.


And thank you for all the PR firms that appreciate the work I do, and that don’t try to insult me with these type of pitches.



About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.


  1. Lol! So true.

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