D-Link DCS-942L Review

I have had the pleasure of working with D-Link on a few difference occasions. I love their products! Recently, my family was able to check out there DCS-942L Wireless Day and Night Camera. With so many break-ins going on in my area, I want to be prepared. Someone thinks they’re coming in my home they might want to think again.

back of 942l d-linkfront of the d-link 942lside of the d-link 942l
The D-Link 942L has so many great features that I love, I love the ability that it does have night vision, this allows me to see what is going on outside when it’s dark. The range on it is roughly 15 feet. With my anxiety, I love being able to just look at the camera feed, and not having to open the door to see if there is anything strange going on outside.  I also like being able to look in on my home via my Android phone. The 942L has a built-in microSD card reader, so that you can also capture video.

Usually during the summer months we get kids that like to hit mailboxes. Never fails our mailbox got hit often, so this feature allows us to have the footage to turn it over to the police. Mailboxes can become pretty expensive when you’re having to purchase them ALL the time. I think those mailbox hitters have done graduated , because this summer our mailbox wasn’t hit not once!

The picture quality is also pretty good on it…

night vision on d-link 942lwatching dog while gonerainy day d-linkday photo from dlink
I have to say one of my most favorite parts of the D-Link 942L is the fact I can get the app for my Android phone, and watch the dog when we are away. Although, we love our puppy and would love to take him everywhere with us, sometimes this isn’t possible. So we set the camera so we can see what he is doing while we are gone.

If you’re wanting to see about monitoring what goes on outside or inside your home, I would highly recommend the D-Link products, they’re not only affordable, they’re also easy to set-up and easy to access. Whether at home, or on the go. You can purchase the D-Link DCS-942L at Staples for $149.99.

Also make sure to follow D-Link on facebook they have some amazing giveaways going on right now, that would make some pretty awesome Christmas gifts! Such as their Back-to-School Giveaway.

d-link back to school giveaway

And their Camera an hour Giveaway!

d-link canera an hour giveaway

I received product for review purposes only, no other form of payment was received. This is my honest opinion and others may vary.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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