During my journey to drop these unwanted pounds, you will be seeing a lot more about weightloss and fitness on The Neat Things in Life. I want y’all to follow me in my journey to find my goal weight. I am in search of that 6 pack that is currently being hidden under all this fat. In my journey, I hope to not only help myself, but to also help others.
With being a struggler all my life with my weight, I know first hand not only how hard it is to find motivation, but also how hard it is, to lose weight.
Everyday is a struggle for me, I hope with logging everything, it will help me reach my goals.
I have already started to change my families eating habits, and I will be setting the wii up so I can get some great workout time. Of course this will be done behind close doors. I know with a lot of hard work, and determination, I can find those abs deeply hidden under all this fat.
Join me in my journey.
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