Keeping A Good Summer Shaving Routine

Most of us have our own shaving routine and schedule. Since everyone’s facial hair grows at a different pace, when we shave it’s likely to be different as well. Although we all have our own routines, we can benefit from incorporating new ideas in shaving from season to season. The Summer heat makes issues like dry skin and sunburn a far greater concern than in other times of the year.

Many foam style shaving creams can leave your face very dry and unprotected. The use of a quality alternative can provide the moisture and protection your face needs during the hotter months. I personally don’t like foam shaving creams and think the alternatives work much better.

I have used a high quality shaving soap for sometime now. In my personal experience, it provides less razor burn; less irritation and softer skin than shaving foams. During the summer this is an especially useful tool to prevent further skin irritations from occurring. Razor burn and sunburn is not a fun combination, trust me.

If you’re looking for summer shaving relief, then try adding shaving soap and other beneficial products to your regular shaving. A small change up in your daily shave can make a big difference in preventing skin irritations later on down the road. Don’t be afraid to try new things and your Summer shaving routine might help you save face.

This is a sponsored post for The Art of Shaving, however, all the points and views are my own.

About Allen Morey

Allen Morey is a freelance writer and co-developer of . His industry experience includes system administration, web design, SEO and marketing. Visit on Google+ for more information.

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