If you are trying to lose weight like I am, I am sure you have seen this image floating around…
I would literally at that time give up. I wouldn’t care no more. Sound familiar, have you also been at this point? Well, I am currently working on a review that will go up in August during the Flabs to Abs event. This review is a book, I personally don’t like book reviews because to me they’re harder to review.
However, I seen a lot of rave about this book, a lot of great recipes, as well as a plan. So I personally reached out to receive this book for the Flabs to Abs event, I think it will fit in very nicely with the event. Anyways, I have been reading it and I have come across a lot of helpful information!
One thing I have learned is… when trying to maintain, or lose weight you SHOULD step on the scale daily… Why? Because if you are going up in number you can bust your ass to not go up any farther, and when you are happy with yourself a small adjustment on the scale will not put you in the wrong mindset to grab a candy bar and start eating… instead it will have the “I have to bust my ass twice as hard affect”.
The Author of this book doesn’t say you MUST step on the scale daily, she simply states she steps on the scale daily, so that she can monitor her weight, and if there is an increase she can make sure it doesn’t continue to climb.
I think this is a great idea. However, you have to be in the right mindset with yourself. You have to look in the mirror, and say I am beautiful no matter the size I am. I am beautiful no matter the flaws I may have. You have to really believe this, or losing weight will be a lot harder on you.
We are all different not one person is the exact same, not even twins… and we are all different for a reason. So the next time you step on the scale and there is a slight increase, say to yourself… “I am beautiful no matter my size, and although the scale shows I have increased a little in weight, I am going to try twice as hard today, to see a drop in that number on the scale.”
How can you make a change to see a drop the next day? Reduce your calorie intake, and be more active.
Thank you and much success to you.