Don’t Panic JCPenney Has Your Back! #jcplastminute

How many of you are last minute shoppers? Come on it’s okay to confess that you show up at the store only a few minutes before they close, only to rush like a mad woman/man trying to purchase those last minute gifts. Yes, I have been there, and done that, but don’t worry JCPenney has your back. They have set up a Shoppers in a Panic Gift Guide for all those that like to wait until the last minute. Don’t worry your not alone many do it. :)

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As you can see from their guide, they’re looking out for you. I have to admit I have a few favorites from that guide.

Check out the Friendly Frog Pillow pet! Who doesn’t love these things, I mean have you felt them? One great thing about the pillow pets, is they make great traveling companions for your children, not only will they give them a soft place to lay their head when you are traveling they also give them someone to play with.

These pillow pets make great gifts for all ages.

I am also a fan of the Keurig Coffemaker, this would make a great gift for those coffee lovers in your life. I have to say JCPenney has some good taste when it came to picking out those last minute gift ideas.

I am a very good example for those that shop last. I am usually hitting the stores on Christmas Eve, with that being said, I run into many doing the same thing I am doing, SHOPPING. I like to say it is because I forgot just one little thing, however, I come home with a ton.

My husband is usually left scratching his head and wondering why I wait until the last minute. It’s not that I intend to shop at the last minute, it really isn’t, but I get an idea to get someone a certain gift at the last minute. Yes, that is my story I am sticking to it.

I use to be the early bird when it came to shopping, but I learned fast that this only got me cold. I remember how I would show up at the stores and be the first in line for those Black Friday sales. Standing in long lines in freezing cold temperatures, will make you rethink your shopping habits. After battling the lines and the cold for a few years, I changed my thinking, I now show up at the last minute, and if I seen something I wanted from the ad, I look for it, if it’s not there I move on.

The cold weather and massive lines, turned me into a last minute shopper.

Are you a last minute shopper? I would love to hear some of your last minute shopping horror stories.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of jcpenney and received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.


  1. I like the Sock Monkey hats they have, there are so many gift idea’s to choose from
    thanks for sharing

  2. I love Penny’s! But you know what i don’t think i bought much from there this Holiday season!!

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