Are you in the medical field and find it extremely hard to keep up with all the medical records? Have you thought about checking into getting a computer program to help make your work a little less stressful. Electronic medical records software can not only make your job a lot easier, it can also help you become better organized.
I don’t know how many times I have gone to the doctors office and had to wait at least 5 minutes for them to find my file in the stack of papers they had. If my doctors office was smart they would have been able to type in my name on the computer screen and up would have popped all my information. Not only is it faster, it helps eliminate all the papers they have filed of all their patient’s.
I honestly wish all medical offices would switch to a system on the computer, a lot of the reason I dislike going to the doctor is because of the long wait in the waiting room, I think having all the files on the computer would help reduce the wait time in the waiting room. I have up and walked out of a doctors appointment before, because of having to wait for over 2 hours. The bad part about the wait, I had an appointment.
How many of you have doctors that have converted over to the computer? Unfortunately mine has yet to do so.
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