Dear Santa,
I know it is about that time of year again, and I know I probably made it on that naughty list. However, I can explain it all! It just wasn’t my fault, I tried to keep my mouth shut, but sometimes I just cannot. I have to say what I believe and I know, maybe I should control it a little, but in my defense I was totally in the right… Before you say anything else, I am truly sorry. I am only asking for a few things this year, do you think you can manage just a few?
My list is rather simple, first I would like world peace. Second, I would really like my car note paid in full, and third could you get a girl some Egyptian Cotton Sheets.
While I know #1 and #2 are probably impossible, maybe you could spring me some of those sheets? If I have to put up with the everyday stresses of life maybe, just maybe I could at least get a good night sleep so I can, umm control my mouth some. Yea, that is it. Santa, I need these sheets so I can get a good night sleep, with a good night sleep I can manage my stress levels some, and with my stress levels down, I will know when to speak and when not to speak.
What you say Santa? I will leave you some milk and cookies *wink* *wink*
Santa can not bring them to you, because he is bringing them to me so :p