New Auction Site

With money tight, and Christmas fast approaching, I have been searching the internet for nice but cheap items. I mean who doesn’t like nice items, and what makes them nicer is when you get them for dirt cheap! I happened to come across a site called I am not real bright when it comes to sites like these ones, so I tend to research them a bit more.

I have found thus far after looking over their site, that they have a lot of nice items up for bid, such as laptops, tablets, toys, and even PS3’s, and best of all, all auctions start at a penny.

I also noticed, they do not have a win cap, which means you can win several auctions for cheap, and not have to worry about going over your monthly allowed wins. I dislike win caps, because if I go over my limit I am in trouble. They also have a buy it now feature, so if you are bidding on an item, and you do not win the auction, you can take the bids you have already placed on the item, and use them towards the buy it now price.

It seems like a pretty interesting site, and I will have to check it out for myself to see how it all works, and comes together in the end. Their customer service seems to be pretty fast as well, from the looks of things after putting in a support ticket the average wait time is less than 15 minutes. Bugs me when I need help and it is days before anyone gets back to me.

They also have win guarantee, if you don’t win within 24 hours, all your bids are reset. This seems like a neat site. How many of you have tried out dealfun?

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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