In 8 more days we will be packing the pull behind, and heading back up North. I still have so much to do! I am going to attempt to have one more yard sale, maybe I can get lucky and sell a few more things. Once we get to Michigan and get settled, I will become more productive on my blog. I am going to guess it will take me roughly a week to get internet.
I hope not, but if so then what can I do about it right? I could go to the library, wonder if they have wifi.
Once we get all set up though I will start working on some fun things for y’all. Halloween is coming up and to be honest, I am super excited! Why? Because in the South Halloween is no fun, being on the Bible belt not to many do much with Halloween, so I am excited to get back home and let Gillian go out with her cousins!
AND THE LAKE I miss the lake, it has been a long time since I was last on a boat soaking up the sun rays while the guys fish. I will have so much more to blog once we get back up North, cannot wait!!!
Shortly after we get back it will be my daughters birthday, she is calling for a beach birthday. She is almost 10 and never been to the beach, we are going to build sand castles!
Anyways, back to packing, entering giveaways, and cleaning. Hope everyone is having a great week.
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