Handmade with Love Winter Giveaway

Winter Blog Event

Welcome to The Neat Things in Life and the Handmade with Love Winter Giveaway.

Hundreds of blogs are participating in the Handmade with Love Winter Giveaway Hop! Each one is offering a themed giveaway – all the prizes are handmade treasures or gift certificates to shops that sell handmade items. There is a linky at the end of this post. After you’ve entered here, hop on over to the next blog on the list and keep going as long as you’d like! The more you enter, the more likely you are to win. Good luck!

First Prize (US ):

Bee During the last event I won a $25 GC to Shokay, so I decided to purchase this bee to use for the Homemade with Love event. It is made with 100% Yak, and knitted by the local women. After browsing the Shokay website, this item is no longer there.

Second Prize (US ):

Heart of Haiti

Another prize donated by me, this is a Heart of Haiti necklace, which is handmade in Haiti. Heart of Haiti items can be purchased at Macy’s.

Main Entry:

Follow The Neat Things in Life publicly on Google Friend Connect (below) and tell me which item you would like to win.

Bonus Entries:

1. Follow me on Twitter.

2. Like me on Facebook

3. Subscribe to my blog by email.

4. Follow me on Networked Blogs.

5. Tweet this giveaway (RT 1x per day). Sample tweet: Handmade With Love Winter Giveaway @Jammie79 http://www.theneatthingsinlife.com/?p=4170 #giveaway #hwlg

Open to US

Leave one comment for each entry. Giveaway ends February 6, 2011 at 11:59PM EST. There will be one winner chosen for each prize. The winners will be selected by And The Winner is… plugin and notified by email to the email address provided in the winning comments. The winners must respond within 48 hours of the notification email, or another winner will be chosen.

Disclosure: All prizes are provided by me.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.


  1. Alex H (lexigurl) US says

    I like the Heart of Haiti Prize! I follow via GFC
    lexigurl_17 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  2. Alex H (lexigurl) US says

    I follow you on twitter @lexigurl_17

  3. Alex H (lexigurl) US says

    I follow on FB:Alex Herring

  4. I am a gfc follower. I would like either one, they are both nice.

  5. I am a email subscriber.

  6. I’m a GFC follower and would love to win either. If I have to choose, I’d like to win the bee from Shokay.

  7. I follow you on Twitter – amccrenshaw
    ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

  8. I like you on Facebook
    ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

  9. I follow you on Networked Blogs
    ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

  10. following via gfc-kidpack05
    kidpack05 at yahoo dt com

  11. following you on twitter=kidpack05
    kidpack05 at yahoo dt com

  12. like you on fb-abbiw
    kidpack05 at yahoo dt com

  13. following via nb-abbiw
    kidpack05 at yahoo dt com

  14. I follow you publicly on Google Friend Connect. I would like to win prize #1


  15. I follow you on Twitter @Smile7891


  16. I “Like” you on Facebook as Amanda Tomlinson


  17. Tweet!



  18. anna violette Donald says

    I follow u on gfc as anna violette donald

  19. anna violette Donald says

    I follow u on twitter as @flatlakegirl

  20. anna violette Donald says

    I like u on fb as anna donald

  21. anna violette Donald says

    I subscribe via email

  22. anna violette Donald says

    I follow u on networked blogs as anna donald

  23. I follow GFC and Twitter.

  24. I follow your blog publicly with google friend connect and I would be thrilled to win either!

  25. I like you on Facebook – my FB name is Amanda Moore

  26. I follow you with Networked Blogs – my FB name is Amanda Moore

  27. I follow you on Twitter – I’m @AmberGoo

  28. I follow on GFC(kellyr78) and I’d like to win the HEart of Haiti necklace

  29. I follow you on Twitter(kellywcu)

  30. I like you on FB(kelly D)

  31. Kelly from Kelly's Lucky You says

    I’m following you with gfc and I like the Heart of Haiti.

  32. Public follower on Google Friend Connect
    I’d love to win the Heart of Haiti necklace.

    Thanks for the entries!

  33. Follow on Twitter

  34. Facebook Fan
    rose manning

  35. Email subscriber

  36. Networked Blogs follower
    rose manning

  37. I follow (snowluvnferret)

    I would like the Heart of Haiti necklace

  38. Follow on Twitter @snowluvnferret2

  39. I follow your blog via google friend connect – Niecey


    They both look awesome. I’d love to win either. I think I like the bee the best.

  40. I follow you on twitter

  41. I like you on facebook
    Niecey Docherty

  42. I follow you on networked blogs
    Niecey Docherty

  43. I am a gfc follower. jennifer wilson
    I like both of them.
    jenniferwlsn33 at gmail.com

  44. I follow GFC
    I’d love the Heart of Haiti

  45. I follow on twitter

  46. Nancy Meyer says

    I follow through GFC and I’d like the Heart of Haiti necklace! Thanks!

    nancymeyer1 at gmail dot com

  47. follow on GFc
    Heart of Haiti necklace

  48. I follow in GFC! I love the Heart of Haiti necklace!
    Thanks for a chance to win this wonderful giveaway!
    Best wishes,

  49. I’m an email subscriber, too!
    Thanks for a chance to win this wonderful giveaway!
    Best wishes,

  50. Rachel Roland says

    I’m a new follower! Great giveaway!

  51. Following The Neat Things in Life on Google Friend Connect as sunnymum. I’d like to win the cute bee!

  52. gfc follower and like the heart of haiti necklace
    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  53. like on fb (michelle b)
    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  54. Cindi~Little Yayas says

    I am a new GFC follower as yayas mommy

  55. Cindi~Little Yayas says

    I follow you on twitter as 1blessedmommi

  56. Cindi~Little Yayas says
  57. I follow you publicly on GFC and I’d like to win the Heart of Haiti Necklace. mcgillrmcgill(at)charter(dot)net

  58. sarah shult says

    follow you on GFC – gwmhssarah I want to win the Shokay item!

  59. sarah shult says

    Follow you on Twitter -sarahshult

  60. sarah shult says

    Like you on Facebook – sarah shult sheshult@hotmail.com

  61. sarah shult says

    Subscribe you blog by email sheshult@Hotmail.com

  62. Laurie Harrison says

    GFC PUBLIC FOLLOWER as Laurie Harrison geneveve2 at gmail dot com
    I like the Haiti pendant

  63. Laurie Harrison says

    Face Book Fan as Laurie Harrison geneveve2@gmail.com

  64. Keenly Kristin says

    I follow on GFC (Kristin) and I like the necklace!!

  65. Keenly Kristin says

    I like you on Facebook (Kristin K).

  66. Keenly Kristin says

    I follow you on Twitter @kristinnw.

  67. follow gfc publicly
    i like the heart of haiti necklace

  68. GFC follower
    I like the bee

  69. twitter follower – lbandj

  70. facebook fan

  71. Linda Lansford says

    I gfc

  72. Rebecca N. says

    I follow you publicly on google friend connect and I’d love to win the Heart of Haiti necklace! Thanks!
    Rebecca Niehaus
    imsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com

  73. Rebecca N. says

    I follow you on twitter as @sparkleglow
    imsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com

  74. Rebecca N. says

    I like you on facebook
    Rebecca Niehaus
    imsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com

  75. Rebecca N. says

    I follow you through networked blogs
    Rebecca N.
    imsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com

  76. Rebecca N. says

    I subscribe to your blog via email.
    imsosweepy [at] gmail [dot] com

  77. GFC follower. The necklace is my fave.

  78. Raven In A Blue Room says

    Google Friends Connect – following your blog publicly as Louis
    I would like to win the necklace

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

  79. Raven In A Blue Room says

    I like your blog on facebook (Louis Here)

    schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

  80. Raven In A Blue Room says

    following you on twitter @left_the_stars

    schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

  81. Raven In A Blue Room says

    following on networked blogs

    schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

  82. Raven In A Blue Room says

    I tweeted your giveaway

    schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

  83. I am a GFC follower (coliebear) in the U.S. and I would like the heart of haiti prize.

  84. i would like either, but number 1 is my top pick
    KDSyrjala at gmail dot com

  85. Follow you twitter
    KDSyrjala at gmail dot com

  86. like you on FB
    KDSyrjala at gmail dot com

  87. follow you networked blogs
    KDSyrjala at gmail dot com

  88. Following with GFC. (ArtsyChaos) Both prizes are lovely! I really like the necklace from Haiti. :)

  89. Following @Jammie79 on twitter.

  90. I like The Neat Things In Life on facebook.
    (Wendy R.)

  91. New follower on GFC with katklaw777.
    Both prizes are great, you pick, thanks!

  92. kittycardero says

    Follow on GFC. I would like to win the bee.

  93. kittycardero says

    Follow on twitter.

  94. kittycardero says

    Like on FB.

  95. kittycardero says
  96. I follow via GFC: allibrary and I like the Heart necklace.

  97. I am an e-mail subscriber.

  98. I follow you via Google Friend Connect (windycindy)~
    Please enter me in your fabulous giveaway for the
    “Heart of Haiti” Necklace…
    Many thanks, Cindi

  99. I “Like” you on Facebook!
    Again, many thanks…
    Cindi Hoppes

  100. Also, I am an email subscriber to your blog…
    Thanks bunches…Cindi

  101. I follow you on Networked Blogs!
    Merci, Cindi

  102. “Tweet!”
    Many thanks to you!

  103. I follow and I like either prizes!

  104. Charlene Kuser says

    I am following you on GFC (Charlene) and I would like to win the Heart of Haiti necklace,

  105. Charlene Kuser says

    I am following you on Twitter (@Swtlilchick)

  106. Charlene Kuser says

    I Like you on Facebook (Charlene Kuser)

  107. Charlene Kuser says

    I am a subscriber via email

  108. Charlene Kuser says