The Wienermobile Arrived!

Do you remember my post about Oscar Mayer hot dogs VS Ball Park hot dogs? Well, if not I personally think Oscar Mayer is a lot better then ball park. The flavors to me stand out more, so when I rolled over in bed this morning, and took a peek at facebook (yes, my laptop sits on my bed stand and I look at it often in the middle of the night.) and seen the wienermobile was going to be at a local grocery store, I had to wake up Gillian and take her to see the wienermobile. I mean how often can one say they seen the wienermobile?

Munford, TN Wienermobile December 17, 2010So after dragging my 9 year old out of bed, got her dressed her hair brushed we headed up town! Let me warn you though, a sleepy kid = not so good smiles for pictures.

Oscar Mayer Wienermobile Wienermobile

Okay, so I will admit I think I was more excited in seeing the Wienermobile then Gillian was, but I didn’t wanna go up there and look at it by myself! I am so glad I got her up, there is no saying if this opportunity will every come again for her. Now when she gets older, and if she has kids, she can show them that she got to touch this awesome car!

Oscar Mayer WienermobileI love all things kraft, from the yummy miracle whip I put on my sandwiches, to the cool whip I put on our pies, I have and always will stand behind kraft products, I was in no way shape or form paid for either post, and if it wasn’t for waking up because of a knock on the door, I would not have seen on facebook the wienermobile was in town!

Make sure to check out all the great new products kraft offers, and while you are over there make sure to get a dollar off coupon for some yummy Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs!

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.


  1. Hi there! I am your newest follower from the blog hop. Lovely blog:) You can find me at
    Take a peek at my giveaways when you stop by. Everything is handmade and gorgeous:) HAPPY HOLIDAYS

  2. Too cute! Duncan would have had a fit over that thing. lol
    I love Kraft products too.
    Love that you added your picture to your blog

    • I loved it! I wish Gillian wasn’t half asleep though, oh well I got pictures, so that is awesome! I have always loved kraft. I use to get their magazine until they started charging for it :(

      I got it on my fb, I reckon I can have it on my blog! Not to sure if I like it there, and I hope lots have missed it LOL… Naw I will probably add it to the about me page.

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