Go! Go! Sports Girls Doll Review and Giveaway

Go GO Sports Girl DollsTired of your little girls playing with dolls that have so much make up that they look trashy, or their shorts are so short you can see their bottoms? Then you should check out Go! Go! Sports Girls Dolls!

The Go! Go! Sports Girls Dolls, was designed by a mom four years ago, that wanted to give her daughters a doll, that had a more positive image. Jodi, is like me we both, believe girls should be taught, to be true to themselves, and we should encourage them not only to be physically healthy, but also mentally and emotionally healthy.

A lot of these new toys coming out are sending the wrong message to our daughters. I have always taught Gillian, that true beauty lies on the inside. Just because one is decked out in make up and “sexy” clothes, does not mean they are a good person, they can be a very ugly person on the inside. Ugly as in actions not beauty. One of my favorite sayings is “True Beauty lies within”. Which is the truth, no matter what one put’s on, on the outside, will not change who they are as a person underneath all that glam.

Go! Go! Sports Girls Dolls, are 14″ plush, sports themed dolls. They are not just designed for fun, but also to teach, and to help promote self appreciation. Which is very important to teach our children at a young age. We want our daughters growing up to be proud about who they are, how they was raised, and to not second guess any decision they should make. Whether good or bad, of course as parents we always want them to make a good decision, but what we might think is best, or good for our child might not be what they think is best for themselves. We just have to hope we did a great job in raising them, so that they do always make the best possible decision in life for themselves.

Go! Go! Sports Girls Dolls, are designed for girls age 3 – 12 and are very age appropriate, they do not encourage our daughters to try and dress, and act older then they are, we want our babies to stay innocent little girls, for as long as we can. Children now days are trying to grow up a lot faster then they should, don’t they realize with maturity and adulthood comes more responsibilities, and that thing called “BILLS”.

Since the launch of the Go! Go! Sports Dolls, almost 2 years ago, they have received numerous awards, and have been featured in Parenting, and Shape Magazines, as well as featured on the Today Show! The girls, come in 11 different designs, ranging from Tennis, to Soccer.

I let Gillian pick which one she would like to review and she picked Gracie.

A Little About Gracie:

Go Go Sports Girl Dolls

Gracie loves to hit winners! Her favorite shot is her backhand down the line. Before playing tennis, Gracie stretches, drinks plenty of water and eats a healthy snack for energy, like a banana. When she is off the court, Gracie likes reading and playing with her friends.

Gracie likes to Dream Big and Go For It!

My Personal Opinion:

Gillian, is not much for “dolls”. However, I do not look at the Go! Go! Sports Girls, as dolls, but more like roll models to our little girls. So when Jodi contacted me asking if I would be interested in including the girls into my gift guide, I said yes, because I love the message these girls are designed to send to our children. Yes, I am aware we as parents are suppose to send the positive messages to our children, but isn’t buying their toys included in encouraging them? I would rather give Gillian, a gift that will encourage her to be herself, then to cake her face with make up and pretend to be someone else.

Since receiving the Go! Go! Sports Girl, Gillian has included her into her play. She has become one of Gillian’s favorite “dolls”. I think what she loves the most is the small toys that came with it.

Another thing that I like is that Jodi, believes in giving back and a portion of the sales made from the girls, is donated to Girls Inc. As Jodi says, Every girl should have the
opportunity to “dream big and go for it”!

Connect With Go! Go! Sports Girls:

Website: http://www.gogosportsgirls.com/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Go-Go-Sports-Girls/104552837061?ref=ts

Buy It:

Go! Go! Sports Girls, can be purchased from Sears, Kohls, Sports Unlimited, and Amazon.com.

Win It:

One lucky reader will have a chance to win one of these amazing girls, for the special little girl in their lives. Whether it is your daughter, sister, niece, of just someone you think may need a special friend and positive roll model in their lives.

Check out the Go! Go! Sports Girls video!

Mandatory: Head over and meet the girls, then come back and tell me which one you would pick if you was to win. This MUST be done or all extras will not count.

Want Extras?

2.) Like Go! Go! Sports Girls on Facebook. (2 Extra)

3. Add this giveaway to any giveaway site/linky and let me know where to find it. (2 extra for each place you add)

4. Friend me on Facebook. (3 extra)

5. Become a Network blog follower. ( Right hand side 5 extra)

6. Become a Google friend and/or subscriber. (2 comment for each you do.)

7. Follow me on twitter. (2 extra)

8. Tweet the giveaway. This can be done daily.

RT Enter to win your pcik of Go! Go! Sports Girls Doll, for the special girl in your life . @Jammie79 http://www.theneatthingsinlife.com/?p=3542

9. Like me on facebook to the right. (2 extra)

Giveaway is open to US residents 18+. Giveaway will close on December 5th @ 11:59 pm CST. Winner will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be drawn

Disclaimer: I received Gracie as stated above, I received no other form of payment, everything in this post is 100% my honest opinion.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.


  1. I would have to pick gracie- the tennis girl. My daugther loves that name.

  2. Kathy Luman says

    I would choose M.C.

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  22. My daughter would love M.C. ! She loves to dance and this doll would be great for her!

  23. Like GO!GO! Sports Girls on facebook #1

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    victoria l

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  33. I like Cassie! She looks the most like my daughter, so I think I’d pick her. I’m not sure though, because so many of the girls are really cute!

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  39. I would like Sam for my granddaughter.

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  53. Kathy Luman says
  54. I like Cassie! She’s my niece’s FAV


  55. Monique Rizzo says

    I like MC.
    Thanks for the chance.

  56. I would choose Maya!

  57. I like Go! Go! Sports Girls on Facebook #1.

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  66. Kathy Luman says
  67. Kathy Luman says
  68. Kathy Luman says
  69. Kathy Luman says
  70. Kathy Luman says
  71. Kathy Luman says
  72. I would choose Maya

  73. Kathy Luman says
  74. i would say MC

  75. i friend you on facebook #1

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  85. I would choose Cassie.

  86. I like M.C.

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