Homeschooling and Field Trips

One great thing about homeschooling is you can take many field trips. Where as with public schools you only take a few a year. If you are teaching your child about zoo animals, and you feel that a trip to the zoo may help your child better understand.  Then plan to do your schooling at the Zoo for that particular day. If you are a part of a homeschooling group see if other parents want to go as well.

Make sure while you are exploring all the animals you throw in a bit of other Subjects. Some suggestions are maybe have your child count the number of zebra. Then have them sort them by big and little. As a homeschooler you have so many options to explore. Do not limit yourself to a small amount of resources.

If you decide to make this a group trip make sure to contact the location and see if they offer discounted rates for home schoolers, most places do. If this certain place does find out what all you need to bring to prove you are a homeschooling group.

Here are a few guidelines that will help you better plan your field trip:

1) Find out the pricing for the group. Then make sure the price is divided equally amongst the parties attending.
2) Make sure to find out if there is an age limit on the location you are planning to attend.
3) Find out how many families you need to have to get the special rate.
4) Remember the kids get hunger so discuss where you all will be eating. You may want to add all this in with the pricing to attend said location.

You also need to make sure all is agreed upon with your group, let them know in advance the details of which you plan. You do not want to make plans for 3 days from now and only notify the other families a day a head of time. The night before the event make sure to make contact with all parties attending to verify they are still going, make plans to all meet at a certain place. If it is a place a good distance car pool.

Field trips are not only for fun, so encourage the children to bring a notepad and pencil. Let them take notes, as well as enjoy themselves. Do not rush to get in and out. Maybe have them write a small paper of what all they learned from the trip.

If the children have questions you are not sure the answer to make sure to find a worker at the said location and ask. You want to make sure you give the kids the right information. Remember have fun try not to yell at the kids, enjoy the day.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.


  1. This is one thing about home schooling i would love! With all the dang budget cuts my kids field trips have been cut to none! I used to love going with the classes on field trips lol!

    • Yea that is how it is here as well. We go to the Zoo and other different educational places in Memphis like the Pink Palace and Graceland.

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