Here is Gillian working on reading with her Hooked on Phonics. I have to say this program is remarkable. I do not think I would have Gillian reading if it was not for this program. The reason I say this is because it is very hard to explain how some words sound. She new all her sounds new her vowel sounds was working on sounding out words, and to me it still wasn’t enough for her age.
My husband had made the remark we needed to be working more on site words. I was trying to teach her how to sound words out. I personally thought sounding out would benefit her better, but my husband thought site words was the key. So when we got hooked on phonics and I was researching. I found out I was doing it the PROPER way. I found out the reason why a lot of kids are having a hard time reading is because they are taught to remember the word not sound it out.
Now when Gillian gets stuck on a word it does not take her long to sound it out until it is one of the confusing words. She asked me today what makes the “a” sound in “very” to be honest I have no idea how to answer this question. I simply explained that in the alphabet there is many sounds for one letter.
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