Crayola Creativity Pack Review and Giveaway (Back-to-School Survival Guide) *CLOSED*

I just recently found out that Crayola is owned my Hallmark. I never new that, but it does not surprise me since both companies make great products.

I have never really tried anything else from crayola besides their basic crayons, colored pencils, and markers. So I was very excited when MyBlogSpark contacted me about the Crayola Spark.

I received the Crayola Pack in the mail today and not everything was there so I contacted MyBlogSpark and tweeted. I got a response very fast from both Crayola and MyBlogSpark, I was very impressed on how fast I was responded too.

This is the items I received today…

My Pack was missing the 10ct. Crayola Markers, Crayola Pip-Squeaks Colored Pencils, Glitter Glue and the Crayola Window Crayons.

What I received today was, 24ct Crayola Crayons, 12ct Crayola Colored Pencils, Crayola Color Switchers, Crayola Color Explosion, Crayola Tadoodles Washable Crayon Buddies, and Crayola Twistables.

My daughter and I got busy trying out the new crayola items. First we checked out the Color Explosion.

Crayola Color Explosion:
Includes: 18-Page Black Paper Tablet, Stencil Sheet and 2 Color Explosion Broad Tip Markers.

As you can see my daughter got busy fast at this one. Her reaction to the Color Explosion was “WOW that’s cool”. If you can tell from her face she was very excited to be drawing with these markers. I do believe her words were “These are awesome I do not have to look for different colors.” She loved the fact that the paper changed colors.

Also when you are done with the stencils you can put them back in the notebook. I loved that…

Next we got out the Crayola Color Switchers. I wrote her name on the paper, and she was like “I do not see it changing colors” So I flipped the marker over and ran it through her name. Her response was “that is so cool”. I then went to Crayolas website where they have tons of printable coloring pictures, and I printed some pictures for my daughter and I to color and check out these neat color switchers.

As I was coloring the unicorn my daughter was asking me why I was coloring it green. I told her I was using my imagination. The only bad thing she said about the Color Switchers was she didn’t like the fact she had to color the picture one color before she could get the other color.

Now we have moved on to the Crayola Twistables Slick Stix. When Gillian went to make a sun. Her reaction to these twistable crayons was “WOW mom you have got to try these. It colors so smooth.” So I got me one and I tried it and it was like … I do not know the word to describe how it felt. My 8 year old said it was like coloring with lipstick and shes right! She was drawing and coloring hearts all over the paper and she said in her world those was clouds because it made her happy coloring with these crayons.

She also colored with the crayons and pencils, she said her favorite out of everything we tried today was the twistable crayons. She feel in love with them. There was one thing that she did not like about them and I agree with her the cap is on a bit to tight.

Do not forget tomorrow is Girls Night Out on twitter with Crayola. Tomorrow nights topic is “Back-to-School Survival Guide”. I will post all the information in another post or you can goto MomItForward for more details.

I would like to congratulation Heather22 for winning this past weeks Crayola Giveaway.

Thanks to Crayola and MyBlogSparks there is still 3 more Crayola Creativity Packs to be won here at The Neat Things In Life. To enter please follow all rules and do not forget to leave an email address for me to contact you if you are the winner.

Mandatory Entry: 1. Tell me something you are doing to survive the kids going back to school? YOU MUST ANSWER THIS QUESTION IF YOU DO NOT YOUR ENTRY WILL NOT COUNT, AND NEITHER WILL ANY EXTRAS YOU DO!!

(I home school my daughter so back to school is not that big of a pain)

Do you really want to win? Then you can go ahead and do some extras. Make sure to leave a separate comment.

2. Blog about this giveaway and give me a link back. (5 entries)

3. Follow me on twitter and tweet this give away. I made it easy for you copy and paste “Enter to win a Crayola Pack @Jammie79 (2 entries can be done daily)

4. Subscribe to my blog via email. (3 en

5. Tell me something you learned from last weeks GNO.

Disclaimer: This giveaway will end August 9nd @ 11:59pm CST the winner will be determined by I will contact the winner by email and they will have 72 hours to contact me with their information so I can pass it on to the sponsor. I also do not know if the twistable crayons will be in your crayola packs.

Good Luck everyone and I hope to see you at GNO with Crayola while we all talk about Back to School Survival.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.



    survive- well although its a pain to get htem back up we adjust the schedules..I am the one that gets more and more depressed that they are growingup and they wil not need me anymore

  2. Getting organized the night before and being firm about the routine is the only way to transition from summer to school.

  3. I am trying to look at the bright side, that even though another summer is gone, my house will stay clean! I will miss them, so I took a job as a school aide to keep busy.

  4. I follow on Twitter (cdziuba) and tweeted

  5. emails susbcriber entry 1

  6. emails susbcriber entry 2

  7. emails susbcriber entry 3

  8. Tell me something you learned from last weeks GNO.

    That I'm too slow to keep up with the speed of it all.

  9. trying to shop for clothes off season to save on expenses.

  10. It's going to be rough this year. We're in the process of moving and the kids will be in a new state, in a new school,- I have no idea what to do to survive- UUGGGHHH!- HELP!!

  11. We are spending lots of time outside.

  12. masonsgranny59 says

    Busy getting clothes and supplies ready for the big opening day:)

  13. Uh oh….my kiddo is only 2. So we aren't really having to survive anything for back to school. But we LOVE the Crayola Beginnings products and would love to win this too!

    Great giveaway….thanks Crayola and MyBLogSpark!

  14. I am so excited that my son is going back to school. One survival tip is to change the bedtime routine. That way mornings will be easier.

  15. I am trying to prep my oldest the best I can and I am trying to get everything organized and prepared before she starts. I'll be a nervous wreck!

  16. Blogged

  17. Blogged:

  18. Bought school supplies already (daughter in college)

  19. Anonymous says

    We buy everything early so there is not such a rush when school starts.


  20. This year the going back to school is a little different–my daughter and granddaughter are both starting college. My survival will depend on how well they adjust (especially my daughter, since she waited until her kids were grown to take this step!).

    clynsg at

  21. We are instituting alarm clocks this year. My daughter is so slow and cranky in the morning, plus she is starting middle school and has to be in class at 7:50 a.m.

  22. Stay on a meal and sleep schedule so they don't crash when school starts.
    Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

  23. I homeschool as well, so there is no "back to school". I'm actually looking forward to back-to-school season because it means cooler weather (so more chances to go to the park), music/art classes start up again for homeschoolers, and of course, the back-to-school sales!

  24. 2kidsblogger says

    getting thing done earlier this year – last year waited too long and had to visit many stores to get needed items

    thanks for sponsoring this.


  25. 2kidsblogger says
  26. I do not like to do things last minute so we try to do all our shopping and preparation early so the last few days before school are not in a panic!

  27. Heather Sides says

    I am surviving by reading blogs of other moms and knowing that I am not alone in getting 3 kids back to school this year. One for his first year!! I think I may cry from empty nest syndrome!! Entry 1

  28. Heather Sides says

    I am now subscribed to your blog as well Entry 3

  29. courtneystoffel says

    We make sure to get them back on their sleep/wake schedule about 2 weeks before school starts. That way they can get back to the swing of it.

    hebert024 at aol dot com

  30. There isn't much to survive- I am talking with him about what is going to happen in a few weeks – his first day of preschool. We visited it in the spring and he remembers so he is excited, but I know the first day will be hard (at least for me)

  31. We always start getting ready the week before by matching clothes for the week,
    getting all the backpacks and supplies ready and getting into a bedtime routine.
    Thank you so much for the chance to win.

  32. What am I doing ot survive? I'm trying not to think about it…that's what. My daughter is going to school for the first time…sniff.

    mindyoja at hotmail dot com

  33. I home-school too- but I think the hardest thing will just to get our minds and hearts back in school mode after such a long break! Thanks for this giveaway- it is just what my daughter needs for this year. Have a great day!

  34. Happi Shopr says

    starting to get them in the routine and making it a happy thing. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

  35. We start getting the bedtime routine back to the school year schedule about a week or two before school. I also start getting the morning schedule worked out so it is not such a stress to get out the door in the morning.

  36. we homeschool so to get back into it after the summer we are starting slow, with just math and reading in August.

    mom2kch2001 at yahoo . ca

  37. Anonymous says

    To survive the going back to school process we've already purchased supplies and clothing.

  38. To survive the kids going back to school (I used to homeschool also), I make sure to have everything done ahead of time and this includes figuring out exactly what time school starts and what method of transportation we will be using :D

  39. I don't really have trouble surviving the kids going back to school. We are all looking forward to it, they enjoy being there! I guess one good tip for shopping for supplies is to keep the list handy at home and compare it to store circulars so you can get everything you need on sale throughout the summer.

  40. I don't really have trouble surviving the kids going back to school. We are all looking forward to it, they enjoy being there! I guess one good tip for shopping for supplies is to keep the list handy at home and compare it to store circulars so you can get everything you need on sale throughout the summer.

  41. I put the kids back on school bedtime a couple of weeks ago so they're not trying to adjust at the last minute!

  42. I'm an email subscriber! #1

  43. I got everything ready for back to school little by little and months in advance!

  44. Subscribed by email, skyskyaa11(at)

  45. for me to survive the kids going back to school…I have been freezing 'suppers' so that during the school week it is not as hectic at meal time. Also, we are organizing bedrooms, and dressers…to make things a little easier! Thank-you!

  46. This is our first year of school, my son is starting Kindergarten in a few weeks. So far we already have all the books and curriculum we need and have begun alot of the lessons for practice. We are both excited to begin this new adventure.

  47. We have enjoyed our summer and my kids are excited to be going back! So we're just buying a few new clothes and new tennies, and some fun school supplies. Not too much stress here!

    Thanks so much!

  48. Were going to survive back to school by having our daughter start going to bed earlier a week or two before it starts. I will have her pick out her school clothes the night before. I will also have her get her back pack ready and organized with her name on everything the day before hand.

  49. Were going to survive back to school by having our daughter start going to bed earlier a week or two before it starts. I will have her pick out her school clothes the night before. I will also have her get her back pack ready and organized with her name on everything the day before hand.

  50. My oldest is starting kindergarten, and I'm so nervous for him. Luckily, my 3 year old will keep me busy and help me mentally survive the fact that my son won't be home with me anymore!

  51. My oldest is starting kindergarten, and I'm so nervous for him. Luckily, my 3 year old will keep me busy and help me mentally survive the fact that my son won't be home with me anymore!

  52. pitaharmon says

    Back to school is such a busy time (4 kids ages 14, 11, 7 and 4). I start getting into the routine of having everything ready the night before. On school days, everything is ready right down to a sock in each shoe set out so there is minimal stress in the morning. It works.

  53. Next week I am taking the boys to go shopping for clothes. We have been doing a daily count down till the days until school starts. We have one excited and one not very excited. Thank you


  54. I subscribed. #1


  55. For Clothes we wait for sales at the name brand stores and my kids love my taste in clothes, so they are easy to please and they do pick out there clothes as well. Also for shoes and school supplies we shop around for the best deals as well =)

    Thanks for the GREAT giveaway & Keep up the Great work you are doing on your website!

  56. AmberRose95 says

    We always wait for the sales and shop a little at a time as well as use coupons whenever possible. That way we save as much as we can and then go out to dinner when we're done! Thank you for the contest!

  57. missrantsypants says

    Try to enjoy the remaining days of summer as much as possible!

  58. cstironkat says

    We shop during tax free weekend. This saves us money, and gets the kids excited about the upcoming year.
    We also make special sugar cookies for the first week's lunches. This is fun and helps put all of us in good moods.

  59. Leslie S. says

    I am homeschooling this year for the first time(all 3 school aged kids).I am happy to not have to buy the new clothes this year.I just have to get all the paperwork turned into the schoolboard.Thanks!

  60. mchavez718 says

    Tell me something you are doing to survive the kids going back to school?
    I am survinng the only way I know how, play outside. You name it we play it! I am a little sad to have my daughter go back to school (from pre-school now to Kindergarten) because she keeps me on my toes and we never have a dull moment.

  61. Amanda S. says

    Surviving the summer was what's been hard, lol! Back to school is a piece of cake! ;) I start clothes shopping at the end of the previous season, so that has helped with my sanity. Most of their clothes are already bought and paid for for bts. :)

  62. I heart coupons and have more school supplies than my family can use (we give a lot to backpack drive at our school).

    ajcmeyer at go dot com

  63. Anonymous says

    get your good several weeks before school hours prepare when school starts ty.

  64. We get on a regular schedule and prepare the night before. Thanks for the chance.

  65. well,my kids are grown but when they were little~about 3 weeks before school started I got them used to the early bedtime again!

  66. The best way to survive is to prepare during the day for the blitzkrieg that will come in after school!

  67. I only have to drive the grandkids to school so I don't have a lot to survive.

  68. germangirl says

    The biggest challenge is getting back on the school year schedule of getting up early and going to bed at a decent hour.

  69. Fins2thrite says

    How am I surviving school…by buying school supplies a little at a time while they are on sell! haha

  70. Sharon Harmon says

    To help my kidlets going back to school, I make these decorated positive affirmation notes to put in their lunch boxes, pockets, shoes, anywhere that will surprise them! I use affirmations like, "I am an intelligent person!", and "School is very important to me!", and "The more I like myself, the more others like themselves!" Thank you for the contest!

  71. kngmckellar says

    I'm trying to get school supplies earlier this year. Also shopping for clothes and shoes earlier. Trying to adjust our time to go to bed and getting up so it isn't as rough when school starts.

  72. I am following all of the back-to-school sales to make this time of year more affordable.

  73. Getting back onto a good sleeping schedule way before school starts is always important.

    wordsmoveme at gmail dot com

  74. starting to do some of the back to school sales con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

  75. Dev is in the advanced classes and had summer work- we are trying NOT to procrastinate (she's finished some but one more to go). It is NOT FUN for either of us but making sure she has it all done before it starts is how we're surviving.

  76. thinkingbrain135 says

    I'm one of those crazy moms that get sad when our kids go back to school. The boys and I have so much fun during the summer months. What I do to cope(and survive) the hectic chaos of the first day is to make sure we have everything ready the night before(lunches, clothes, lunch money, etc.) and that the boys get a good night's sleep. When that first day arrives I usually weep proud tears and take lots of pics.

    thinkingbrain135 at gmail dot com

  77. Been shopping sales all summer and getting school supplies ahead so there won't be a last minute buying rush.

  78. surviving the back to school..teehheee hee I'm counting the days…

  79. About 2 weeks before school starts we try to work our way back to earlier bedtimes and getting up earlier in the morning.

  80. well I am not sure,this is my sons first year,so I would have to tell you after he starts!BUt we started earlier bed time already!


  81. ScrewLucy says

    I volunteer at the shcool in order to be a present and active (and non-worried_ parent.

  82. kathy pease says

    all summer i have been shopping sales and clearances so im pretty well set for bts i only need a few more things :)

  83. Jennifer, A Self-Confessed Foodie says

    I'm actually the one going back to school. I'm going to try to have everything super organized before I start classes and have some extra meals in the freezer for my busy days!

    jlsemon at gmail dot com

  84. karen4322 says

    I homeschool, as well, and the hardest part will be getting back into a routine after a good long summer break! Thank you for the chance to win.

  85. blueviolet says

    Taking advantage of the sales helps to ease the pain of having to buy all of the supplies.

  86. Not sure I would use the word survive.. Wee Man loves going to school and I love having time to get stuff done around the house and with the baby… I look forward to the school year… However, I dislike the horrid BRAND label only supply list this school HAS to have.. bah

  87. FDP 4 Life says

    To survive the kids going back to school, we are ordering pizza tonight and taking the night off cooking

  88. darlanpaulsmamma says

    i have been trying to talk to my daughter about the upcoming school year so that we are both not caught off guard next week when school actually starts
    melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

  89. I survive by putting the kids on their sleeping schedule a week before school and while they are at school is a good time to get everything done that needs to be done.

  90. To survive the kids going back to school, we go to the library and read books about the first day of school and stories about going to school. We can all get in that mindset this way.

  91. To survive back to school time we're trying to prepare ahead of time and ease into it

  92. Survive?
    I will take one day at a time. Setting out clothes the night before works here.

  93. I am a teacher and we go back tomorrow and the kids come back next Monday–a week from tomorrow. No matter how much i say I'm going to ease into it, it's always a shock!

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