Black LG Rumor from Kajeet

A while back I won a LG Rumor from a giveaway Liz @ Pink Lemonade was hosting, her sponsor was Kajeet. I just received the phone on Thursday. I opened the package up and pulled the phone out and was very impressed with the phone. But I had promised this phone to my nephew so back to the mail it went to make a trip to its final destination.

I would have kept the phone and activated it for my daughter, but my husband and I decided it would be smarter to add her to our phone line. So my nephew got the phone today and when my phone rang all i heard was “THANK YOU AUNTIE I LOVE IT” He was very excited to have his new phone. After telling me how awesome his new phone was and thanking me over and over I got on the phone with my sister, and all she kept saying was “I love this phone its awesome I am jealous because it is nicer then mine” That is the same thing I thought when I got the phone.

My sister then let me go so she could call and activate the phone. She then called me and told me she gave in and got the how deal unlimited talk and text for 50 a month. Which is a very good deal. She told her son first month is on her now he will have to work around the house to keep his bill paid. (he was not to happy about that part), But it will teach him responsibility which is great.

So if you would like to get one of these phone for your child you can head on over to Kajeet they have plans starting as low as 4.99, and cell phones as low as 16.95.

So again thank you Liz and Thank You Kajeet for giving me the chance to make my nephew happy.

P.S. I asked my sister if she liked the phone and she loves it. She said the camera on it is awesome. I asked if it was worth 180 and she said YES and she is thinking about getting the service and phone for herself.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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