
Entering contest’s is one of my highs in life. I love getting the email saying I was a winner. It tickles me and then I have to brag about it to everyone. Same thing about getting freebies in the mail. I gotta tell everyone. I guess I just have a big mouth.

A few days ago Melanie from Ramblings Of A Wannabe Writer sent me an email saying I won the sinupret contest. I was so excited. I went and looked at her blog again just to make sure I was not reading it wrong. I seem to think it’s not real.

Then yesterday my family decided to go on a picnic and to fish a bit since it was a nice day and my husband works 3rd shift so we don’t see much of him. When we got home I checked my email and I had a email in there from Amanda over @ Mommy Mandy saying I was the runner up for the Crayola Giveaway. Talk about excitement there. I was telling my husband he says your runner up though isn’t that like second place. So I go over to Mommy Mandy’s and look the first winner never claimed the prize. So I got lucky.

So I tell my husband let me look and see if I won anything else. I scroll through the email’s and tell him nope. Well as I am reading emails and deleting I come to this one from Kimberly over @ Mom in the City. Telling me I won the Animal Planet Emergency Vet DS Game. Holy Cow talk about getting all happy I look at my husband and I tell him “your not gonna believe this” And I tell him with just excitement. Its like my rush winning contests.

Now the Crayola Giveaway I will be putting up for my wonderful daughters 8th birthday. This will make a wonderful gift. I love Crayola they make the best crayons. But then again they are the Hallmark product and we all know Hallmark makes wonderful items.

Also the Ds Game will be put up for her birthday as well. Of course mom will sneak a peak at the game but shh don’t tell her. I will be back with a game review soon.

I would like to take this time after I have bragged about my excitement. To thank all 3 ladies and there sponsers for giving me the chance to win these wonderful gifts. It really does mean a lot to me and if you seen the excitement in my face when I read the emails you to would see.

So again thank you Melanie and her Sponsor for the chance to win this contest.

Thank You Amanda and her Sponsor for the chance to put a smile on my daughters face on her birthday.

Thank You Kimberly and her Sponsor as well for the great contest and the chance to put that priceless smile on my daughters face.

There are some pictures of her birthday last year..

7 year old Birthday
Girls Birthday Party

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter and son. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her children and checking out new products. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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